
The best of both worlds:

Freedom in owning your own practice, the comfort of not doing it alone.

Sure, you’re more than capable of launching, leading, and growing your own practice alone.

But why would you?

Amelia sparked from one question:
What do I want from my career?

To be part of something.

To work with happy people.

To make an impact on the lives of patients.

To make it easier for future surgeons.

So, how does it work?

Being a part of Amelia in 3 phases

Stage 01

Consideration & Learning

This stage (likely the stage you are in now, if we had to guess) is all about weighing the risk and reward of opening your own practice against the potential of finding an extraordinary practice to join. We have resources to help you figure out if a) this is the right thing for you to do and b) how to do it.

We recommend reading or watching The Private Practice MBA. We’ve outlined all of our wins and losses and the lessons we’ve learned as a result to help provide at least one useful resource to guide you through this whole process. Once you’ve finished, you’ll have a good idea of the business side of medicine and if it’s something you want to do. If not, our practices are frequently hiring young physicians who want to be a part of something special.

Stage 02

Committing & Community

If you decide you would like to open your own practice, you can take comfort in knowing that you won’t be doing it alone. Amelia is a community of surgeons and experts here to help you out, celebrate your wins, and when you want it, offer guidance.

Our startup team will work with you through the long list of steps required to launch your practice. This team exists primarily inside of HQ but also includes experts from other Amelia practices who are actively doing what you are after. They will assist you from the moment you make your decision through the exciting days as your practice opens and the months and years that follow.

Stage 03

Leadership & Growth

Learning a new skill or perfecting an old one is made better when we have a coach there to assist. Very few of us have access to vetted experts but as an Amelia surgeon you will have access to both mentorship from other Amelia surgeons and dedicated coaching with Dr. Corinne Secrest. Corinne has worked with plastic surgeons for more than 2 decades and is an expert at helping us in our unique roles as surgeons and leaders.

This combination of mentors for day to day questions and an expert in those most anxious moments is one of the most important parts of the Amelia offering.

Yeah, but what does it cost?

The cost is based on the success of your practice. As your practice becomes more successful, we benefit together. Additionally, Amelia is paid for in your P&L before you decide how to spend your revenue.

Before deciding on a career direction, it would make sense to take record of where other surgeons start their careers and where they end up. When doing so, you will likely see that there is consistently one group with more happiness, less turnover, and more freedom...surgeons who start a practice.

We have some theories as to why...

As surgeons, we love hard work. We love a challenge. We also like to see the challenges bear fruit — for our patients, our relationships, and our careers.  

We also like to know that we get to have a hand in what is created. Very few of us want to be told what to do just so that we can put in our 40 hours and go home. 

Instead, we like to know that our ideas matter, that our experience is important, and that good can come of both for us and others.

We’ve all seen our mentors lose their autonomy (we promise not to do that).

For all of the things you are passionate about, you get complete control with support when you need it. For all of the things you are not passionate about, you get help and control when you want it. 

There is power (and comfort) in numbers. 

When you have wins to share, there is a group of other surgeons eager to hear them. When you have problems to solve, that same group is there to help.


Why doesn't everyone start a practice?

(we have some theories about this too)
There’s no real guidance on how or where to start a practice.
This is bananas to us. If you Google how to start any other business in the world, the internet is full of very useful resources for every step of the process. With medical practices, that knowledge just isn’t shared. That’s why we put so much of what we’ve learned on the internet for free, we call it the Private Practice MBA.
We all know that one surgeon who failed that one time.
It’s true—failure happens…but not to everyone. And it seems like the risks in opening a plastic surgery practice have been hyperbolized a bit. Very often, this level of risk is relayed to us by people who have only secondhand knowledge of someone who struggled and bailed.
Not everyone wants to open a private practice.
And that is totally okay, too. If you’re starting to realize owning a practice isn’t for you, but still want to be a part of this whole Amelia thing, we have some good news. You can still have access to all of the support, flexibility, and freedom of an Amelia practice without owning one.
It can be intimidating to do it alone.
Amelia’s role here is in community. Instead of that one story about that one guy, you get real-life access to real-life surgeon owners who apply the ethics of shared knowledge, a cornerstone of what makes medicine great, to the business side.

Amelia owners serve as a network of mentors for other Amelia surgeons. Each of us is at a slightly different point in the process, ensuring that no matter what is keeping you up at night, there is someone who can and who wants to help.
If you like what Amelia does but don’t want to run a business, we’d like to help you find an Amelia to join.

Amelia is a lot of things, but here's what we're not.

Amelia is not a franchise.

You own and run your practice. We’re here just to make doing so easier, enjoyable, and to absorb much of the risk.

Amelia is not here to take your autonomy.

You, the surgeon, own and run your practice. We provide a toolbox of resources, strategies, and support in which you can choose to implement into your business. 

Amelia is not a private equity-backed company.

Amelia HQ is a byproduct of a plastic surgeon and practice owner getting fed up with the mediocre tools and predatory sales tactics that were forced upon us.

If you're considering opening your own practice

Here are the questions you're probably asking

What if I don't want to be an Amelia, but I want the Amelia tools?

This is the single most common request that we get. Using the tools without being an Amelia is a bit like trying to cook from a recipe that has the ingredients listed but not the instructions.

These tools are created in a bespoke way to live inside of an Amelia practice. Without the framework with which to use them, the magic is easily lost.

Why can't I name my practice something other than Amelia Aesthetics?

We are all taught that our personal brand is critically important to our success—Amelia believes that too.

Amelia isn’t an umbrella you sit under, it is a spotlight you stand in. Amelia builds the stage you and your practice are standing on. From there our team of creatives and skill players nurture your reputational growth in our private community with over 70,000 women interested in plastic surgery.

Our unique customer platform and marketing team ensure that the right people are watching as we transfer the authority of our educational tools and educating personalities to your brand.  Your job is to do what only you can do. If there is no star in the center of the stage, there is no show. Your job is to be the star.

These both end up being small things.

Let’s focus back on the most important things that will make your practice extraordinary... remembering that we will be with you every step of the way.

Step 01

Curate your team

Hire, train, and lead a team that runs like a well-oiled machine—especially when you are in the OR. It took some time, but we nailed down the key roles you’ll need in your practice and it starts with a small team.Big teams are both financially expensive and, in perhaps the most underrated truth in leadership:  big teams require experts to manage them. The Amelia way is to start small and grow together. As the task gets more difficult, you are progressively better at managing them.

Step 02

Surprise and delight

Deliver an excellent patient experience. (Hint: This is vastly easier said than done, but you can take a look at how we approach it here).

Step 03

Put yourself out there

Build your own influential and sought-after personal brand with the patients you want to serve. We have a team dedicated to helping you identify, curate, and spread your influence and brand based on the things that are uniquely you.

Step 04

Optimize your finances

Decrease expenses via tangible cost-savings and pre-negotiated rates to grow revenue and lower costs. We do this with power in numbers, negotiating with vendors on behalf of all Amelia practices. So when one Amelia wins, we all do.

Step 05

Work hard, live well

Simultaneously be productive and profitable while maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Our resources, mentorship, and community are here to help you run an extremely efficient business so you can have the best of both worlds.

Amelia is more than just a toolbox.

We're a network of like-minded, world-class surgeons who can help you become a better surgeon and business leader.

Amelia St. Louis

Dr. Rafi Fredman

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Amelia Evansville

Dr. Kate Kottwitz

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Amelia Raleigh

Dr. Michelle Roughton

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Amelia Raleigh

Dr. Jeremy Pyle

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Amelia Raleigh

Dr. Cedric Hunter

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Amelia New York City

Dr. Jared Blau

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Amelia San Antonio

Dr. Marcos Lopez

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We believe the patient experience starts long before the consultation...which means serving your patients begins before you even meet them.

We call this process of serving patients before a consultation the patient funnel.

Our patient funnel is a culmination of literally thousands of best practices from the wisest and most successful businesses—meticulously adapting and integrating them into the field of private practice plastic surgery.


Providing patients in the earliest stages of their journey with a safe, supportive space to connect, ask questions, and begin their research in an unbiased environment.


Offering free, relevant, and honest information in one, easy-to-access resource to make the research phase enjoyable.


Supporting patients intellectually and emotionally through each stage of their patient journey (on average 8-12 months long).


Introducing patients to trusted plastic surgeons committed to excellent patient care, transparency, and life-changing results.


Walking patients through a high-touch, seamless patient care process that provides hours and hours of interaction as a patient moves from consult to post-op.

Every step along the way has off-ramps and exits for women who are not ready for treatment, ensuring that your post-op clinic days are full of women who made a thoughtful, informed decision.

The result? Amelia surgeons have significantly more time changing lives in the operating room, happy patients, higher levels of productivity, and a healthy work-life balance.

Which is, in a nutshell, what we’re all about.

Want to learn more? Let's have a conversation.